Tuesday, May 25, 2010

sharing old photos..

I thought i would share with you some old photo's of myself and my man.

Can you spot me?? This was taken 2004 my year 12 formal. 

This is me in 1987! 

This is Christopher in 1987

This is a photo that was taken very much close to when we got together we look so young! As will we were only 19 years old. 

This is one of my favorite photo's of Chris an i.

The most thing i enjoy about looking at photo's is the memories we have with them! As a young couple about to have a baby it was really hard and with not much support. We look back and look at where we are know and yes we have really hard days but they are worth it all... Im hoping tog et some more photo's of Chris as he grows up though out the years! So i can have a alumb of his and one of mine. 

shadwick family

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chris come home fro his fishing trip...

the fish he caught and one stir ray!

These are just a few of some photo's he sent me while he was a way

Shadwick family. xox