Thursday, July 29, 2010


This Shadwck household is tired, We havn't been sleeping really well of late, Joel is up and down serevel times during the night not to mention Chloe. Joel is going though some major 3 year old attitude issues which is funny sometimes but my gosh his growing up. Has a mind of his own. Although no matter what we love them to death just would like some more sleep. No one truly can prepare you for the hard work a little family can be, nor do they say how rewarding some other days are.

As the days and weeks months go by october is not so far away at all, We have two special birthday in October to celebrate we haev Joel on the 9th he is going to be turning 3 the big 3 and Miss Chleo is on the 19th and she will be turning 1. We are still deciding what we are going to do for there birthdays but it's looking like a coast birthday. Honestly it's the best place for them they have there cousins and there family wjo adores them down there.

Family is so hard Chris has been seraching for answers in why his having so much trouble with his own. All i feel is that he is such a strong personalitly and they dont know how to handle his attitude to the world. He is one special man and im proud to have him as my life partner and the children are going to have one hell of a father.

This is a gorgeous Photo of a father and a son.

Daddy with his baby girl.

Speaking of Daddy not to far away it's father's day!! I would say what we have planned but Being a Shadwick Page the big Daddy shadwick head these post hehe!!

Well coming from a very exhausted mummy shadwick as Joel calls me. We are havigna  nice day around home and going to try and get somemuch earned rest!!

Love the shadwick family.

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